Front-end Engineer & UI/UX
Front-end Engineer & UI/UX
react, react native, typescript, rquery, jest, storybook
Kablamo is a digital product and innovation company. One of the projects I've worked on is a known bank in Canada, an app for iOS and Android built with React Native.
javascript, bootstrap, figma, ai, psd, umbracoCMS
Lobster&Tap is a seafood restaurant in Auckland, NZ, Lobster&Tap engaged me to design and develop their Kiosk web-app which allows customers to order food and drinks.
js, bootstrap, umbraco, figma, ai, psd
Daruma is a Japanese restaurant in Auckland, NZ. I was tasked to develop their Kiosk web-app which allows customers to order food and drinks.
js, html, tailwind, figma
Linea Del Plata is a shipping company made up of private business groups with a long history in the maritime industry. I was tasked to design and develop their booking platform.
js, html, tailwind, figma
Flatmately is a flatmate finder app, built for New Zealand and Australian market. I was tasked to design and develop their website, and also helped with branding and marketing.
js, html, bootstrap, sketch, ai, psd
NxtStep is a job board for students and graduates. I was tasked to design and develop their website, and also helped with branding and marketing.
js, html, sass, wordpress, ai, psd
Yoga With Kassandra is a yoga teacher and content creator. I was tasked to design and develop her website and courses platform while I was working at VidApp.
js, html5, css3, sass, bootstrap, sketch
Tourism New Zealand is a website I've built to showcase my skills utilising JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Bootstrap, Sketch. I was tasked to design and develop their website.
js, html5, css3, sass, bootstrap, handlebars, sketch
Renkon is a Japanese restaurant, I've pitched the new website and design for the ordering app. I used JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Handlebars and Bootstrap to build the website.
js, html5, css3, sass, php, bootstrap, sketch
DotaPopQuiz is a quiz app built with JavaScript, HTML5, SASS, PHP. It was built as a fun project to make a game to increase brand awareness and to learn more about JavaScript and PHP.
wordpress, js, html, sass, ai, psd
VidApp is a video streaming platform. I was tasked to design and develop their website and the platform where users would publish their customised app for iOS and Android.