

tools used

js, html, css, sass, bootstrap, figma, ai, psd



front-end, ui/ux, branding, user research, prototyping

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Scanatrax static dimensioning system

I've helped to design & develop Scanatrax using tools such as JavaScript, HTML5, SASS (Bem), Bootstrap, .NET, Figma, AI, PSD


Scanatrax is a static pallet and cargo dimensioning system that delivers fast, accurate and reliable results, with full after-sales support.

Atrax build products used by 800+ airports, 100+ countries and for 25+ years and one of the products is Scanatrax which is a volume scanner system. ATRAX Scanatrax consists of one or more laser scanners mounted on the rotating beam. When measurement is activated, the laser scanners rotates around the object and produce a result with three dimensions i.e. Height, Width and Length of the object.

Login concept

Removing hand measurement and guesswork makes it fast and easy to uncover the hidden profit in your business, adding directly to bottom line profit.

Over 800 airport sites across 150 countries use Atrax products and systems.




Case study incoming

Kablamo project image, click to view more details.


react, react native, typescript, rquery, jest, storybook

Kablamo is a digital product and innovation company. One of the projects I've worked on is a known bank in Canada, an app for iOS and Android built with React Native.

Case study incoming

Lobster&Tap project image, click to view more details.


javascript, bootstrap, figma, ai, psd, umbracoCMS

Lobster&Tap is a seafood restaurant in Auckland, NZ, Lobster&Tap engaged me to design and develop their Kiosk web-app which allows customers to order food and drinks.

Case study incoming

Daruma project image, click to view more details.


js, bootstrap, umbraco, figma, ai, psd

Daruma is a Japanese restaurant in Auckland, NZ. I was tasked to develop their Kiosk web-app which allows customers to order food and drinks.

Case study incoming

Linea Del Plata project image, click to view more details.

Linea Del Plata

js, html, tailwind, figma

Linea Del Plata is a shipping company made up of private business groups with a long history in the maritime industry. I was tasked to design and develop their booking platform.

Case study incoming

Flatmately project image, click to view more details.


js, html, tailwind, figma

Flatmately is a flatmate finder app, built for New Zealand and Australian market. I was tasked to design and develop their website, and also helped with branding and marketing.

Case study incoming

NxtStep project image, click to view more details.


js, html, bootstrap, sketch, ai, psd

NxtStep is a job board for students and graduates. I was tasked to design and develop their website, and also helped with branding and marketing.

Case study incoming

Yoga With Kassandra project image, click to view more details.

Yoga With Kassandra

js, html, sass, wordpress, ai, psd

Yoga With Kassandra is a yoga teacher and content creator. I was tasked to design and develop her website and courses platform while I was working at VidApp.

Case study incoming

Tourism New Zealand project image, click to view more details.

Tourism New Zealand

js, html5, css3, sass, bootstrap, sketch

Tourism New Zealand is a website I've built to showcase my skills utilising JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Bootstrap, Sketch. I was tasked to design and develop their website.

Case study incoming

Renkon project image, click to view more details.


js, html5, css3, sass, bootstrap, handlebars, sketch

Renkon is a Japanese restaurant, I've pitched the new website and design for the ordering app. I used JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Handlebars and Bootstrap to build the website.

Case study incoming

DotaPopQuiz project image, click to view more details.


js, html5, css3, sass, php, bootstrap, sketch

DotaPopQuiz is a quiz app built with JavaScript, HTML5, SASS, PHP. It was built as a fun project to make a game to increase brand awareness and to learn more about JavaScript and PHP.

Case study incoming

VidApp project image, click to view more details.


wordpress, js, html, sass, ai, psd

VidApp is a video streaming platform. I was tasked to design and develop their website and the platform where users would publish their customised app for iOS and Android.